Saturday, January 18, 2025

Anna Elisabetta de Valladolid - JOINT Silver Crescent & Maunche

Your Majesty, I have a request to make unto you and Our Council of the Silver Crescent, this Anno Societatis LIX. 
I speak of Anna Elisabetta de Valladolid and her presence in said Order.
Her proximity in Our East hathe taken on immense labor, guiding and directing the endeavors of our enterprises. 
By bringing forth her learning and honesty, for the education and betterment of Our Kingdom.
For executing her expertise and avocation in all her good works, be they small or great,  henceforth shall Anna be numbered in Our Order.
Your assured Queen and partner in rule,
To my very good Eastern King, at East Kingdom 12th Night

Word count 110

Madame and Dearest fellow Majesty,
This Lady you speak of, wherethrough her reputation and acclaim, has led Us to her as well!  Indeed, she has been mentioned with great reinforcement  by Our Order Maunche.
The Order has such a comfortable answers as to her pursuits she follows with excellence, so that We can set them here:
Raiment created for her entire family for attendance in Our Court, of the finest of qualities. 
Knowledge and practice of the histories of the cultures and her induction of them through victuals, tales, tutelage and translations does improve Us!
The thing, Madame, is that there can be two places of the Highest Merit that is found in one gentle.
So We say, Let Anna Elisabetta de Valladolid step forward and be counted in the Order of the Maunche and the Order of the Silver Crescent by these arms: Per chevron inverted gules and azure, crossed in saltire a spoon and needle argent
Now and forever more!
As Matthew King and co ruler
From Our Shire Anglespur 

Word Count 172
Illumination and Calligraphy by Faolán an Sccreccain

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YouTube Recording by Yona Carmichael

“This is the BLOG, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”
-Queen Elizabeth I of England
(lovingly misquoted thereof)

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