Saturday, December 7, 2024

Holt Kincaid of Hawks' Glen - Silver Brooch

Here by honorable hit 
On the Eastern Throne They sit
Magnates Matthew! Fiamuin! 
As We welcome everyone

At this, Our annual Yule 
Kept by Baronial jewels,
That befalls in Bergental
And Beyond the Mountain’s mall

Today's richness and revel
Gives way for someone special 
Our Holt Kincaid of Hawks' Glen 
Here meets the measure again

Her Stitches will wind their way
Around garb in fine array 
Entwined knots around the neck 
Like twined Ouroboros’ trek

Her needle craft noteworthy  
Such joy in her thread’s journey 
Distinction We deliver 
Being this Brooch of Silver 

Word count 93
Illumination and Calligraphy by Fiona the Volatile

 Photo by Fiona the Volatile

This BLOG under construction

Key - Old Irish
7 syllables 
AABB Rhyme scheme
Imperfect Syllable Count

Here by honorable hit 

On the Eastern throne They sit

Magnates Matthew and Fiamuin 8

As We welcome everyone

At this, Our annual Yule

Kept by Baronial jewels,

That befalls in Bergental

And Beyond the Mountain’s mall

Today's richness and revel

Gives way for someone special 

Our Holt Kincaid of Hawks' Glen 

Here meets the measure again

Her Stitches will wind their way

Around garb in fine array 

Entwined knots around the neck 

Like twined Ouroboros’ trek

Her needle craft noteworthy  

Such joy in her thread’s journey 

Distinction We deliver 

Being this Brooch of Silver 

Turn the darkness into BLOG

-Secret of Kells

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