Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Olivia Baker - Burdened Tyger

To the grand multitude of this Eastern Kingdom/
Right honourable, with our most humble and dutiful thanks for Lady Olivia Baker’s bountiful goodness towards us at this year’s past Wars of the Roses as Steward, do we King Darius and Queen Etheldreda have made bold to present our virtuous  Olivia with such a poor and homely thing for a simple gift of adjoining her with Our Order of the Burdened Tyger/  
As the people can afford, beseeching that according to Our Lady Olivia’s accustomed goodness, you will vouchsafe this burden in good part; and we shall say most earnestly to all assembled here before us to give our sincere and earnest Lady Olivia many happy healthfu days and any and all such furthur endeavours as stewarding such a  tremendous enterprise as that the Wars of the Roses can be/
From our lands in the Shire of Glen Linn this iv of July, Anno Societatis xl at Northern Region War Camp

Illumination by Robert of Stonemarche

Based on an Elizabethan letter from a son to a mother

(The lower case Roman numerals and the / instead of a . are on purpose.  It aligns up with the Elizabethan writing style.)

Image of scroll is unavailable

Unofficial Court Report: Northern Region War Camp

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