Saturday, February 8, 2025

Gwenllian of Bergental - Tygers Cub

 We have heard, in Our home of the Tyger’s Tread 
Blooming blossoms grow with toothsome thorns
One such Clever Kit of the Cat’s Sea 
Stretches her spine, intent on prey, or play
As her senses strike that day 
So as the Sky-Candle slowly melts 
Stunning Treasure Turners East: 
Monarch’s Matthew and Fiamuin Fore Moons’ 
Fall upon Our Flaxen Haired flower 
Good Gwenllian of Bergental
Now Counted as a Tyger’s Cub
As happened here in Our Hall of the North, AS LIX

Word count 82

Illumination and Calligraphy by Rhonwen glyn Conwy

Key - Old English
Syllable count 6 - 13, average 10
Also  Alliteration
Compound Words
Kenning Meaning
We have heard, in Our home of the Tyger’s Tread EAST KINGDOM
Blooming blossoms grow with toothsome thorns
One such Clever Kit of the Cat’s Sea YOUTH OF THE EAST
Stretches her spine, intent on prey, or play
As her senses strike that day 
So as the Sky-Candle slowly melts SUN
Stunning Treasure Turners East. MAJESTIES
Monarch’s Matthew and
Fiamuin Fore Moons’ EYES

Fall upon Our Flaxen Haired flower THE RECIPIENT/GWENLLIAN
Good Gwenllian of Bergental
Now Counted as a Tyger’s Cub
As happened here in Our Hall of the North, AS LIX NORDENHALLE

We Are Our Mothers Savage Daughters
We will not cut our hair, 
We will not lower our voice

This BLOG Under Construction

Photo by and with permission of their parent