Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ōsamōraz nēþlō - Silver Brooch

King Tindal tried chieftain 
Calls Emerson cohort 
Apex Art of Allies 
And Crowned Heads of the East 
Observe Our subject, one 
Ōsamōraz nēþlō 
Works with their hawk perches 
When Worrying carved bone
Fishing for facts first, they 
Formed a written word-hoard  
After all We've observed  
accolades are now due 
War of Great Northeast’s where
We broach the Silver Brooch
For Ōsamōraz forthwith
Found Malagentia’s bounds 
Anno Societatis 59

******SPACE FOR ARMS******

Word count 68
Illumination and Calligraphy by Cwenthryth Wine

This scroll is under construction

Photo by Cwenthryth Wine




Also  Alliteration

Compound Words
(KENNING Meaning) 

Syllable count - if it is other than 6 syllables

King Tindal tried chieftain 

Calls Emerson cohort 

Apex Art of Allies (KINGS)

And Crowned Heads of the East 

Observe Our subject, one 

Ōsamōraz nēþlō 

Works with their hawk perches (HANDS)

When Worrying carved bone

Fishing for facts first, they 

Formed a written word-hoard (VOCABULARY/RESEARCH) 

After all We've observed  

accolades are now due 

War of Great Northeast’s where

We broach the Silver Brooch

For Ōsamōraz forthwith 7
Found Malagentia’s bounds 7

Anno Societatis 59

BLOG title goes here

Photo by Cwenthryth Wine

Photo by Cwenthryth Wine

Marcus Atilius Pansa - Maunche

Tindal and Emerson the Kings of Marcus 
And the whole of the East Kingdom Republic.
Whether he penetrates Our Malagentia,
where the Eastern waves strike the shore
Or goes abroad, whatever the will of War 
Be. His focus then turns to that of the scribe
with deep resonance in aesthetic passions.
Today, let him live and be joyous with the Maunche - 
Our Order that emphatically lauds artistic and
Scientific endeavors of the East and 
Celebrates our Marcus Atilius Pansa
Today in Anno Societatis LIX 
At the Great Northeastern War XXXVI

Word count 90

Illumination and Calligraphy by Hugoline the Delicate

To make the poetry more readable, the copy provided to the heralds was not in the Hendecasyllabic verse:

Tindal and Emerson the Kings of Marcus 

And the whole of the East Kingdom Republic.

Whether he penetrates Our Malagentia,

where the Eastern waves strike the shore

Or goes abroad, whatever the will of War be. 

His focus then turns to that of the scribe

with deep resonance in aesthetic passions.

Today, let him live and be joyous with the Maunche

Our Order that emphatically lauds artistic and

Scientific endeavors of the East and 

Celebrates our Marcus Atilius Pansa

Today in Anno Societatis LIX 

At the Great Northeastern War XXXVI

Dole Office Clerk: Occupation?
Comicus: Stand-up philosopher. Wordsmith
Dole Office Clerk: What?
Comicus: Stand-up philosopher. Wordsmith. I coalesce the vapors of human experience into a viable and meaningful comprehension.
Dole Office Clerk: Oh, a BLOG artist!
- (mostly) History of the World, Part 1

Photo by Cindi Hachey

Demetrius of Brighton Manor - AoA

Great Northeastern War comes around again 
Magnus Tindal and Emerson True 
 The Monarchs over Malagentia put to pen 
Awards that are deserved and proper due
For East’s reputation is to accrue 
Worthy gentles from across Our kingdom
Now Demetrius afore us has come
Before Our court to hear described, his drive 
One who disports all past and present games 
Herding smalls, so that they might thrive
Recognition We cry! That Is Our aim 
Demetrius of Brighton Manor’s his name
Applied to the Award of Arms today
An accolade that We will never belay 
Anno Societatis 59 

Wordcount 96
Illumination and Calligraphy by Demetrio Antelini da Lucca


Rhyme Royale 


Imperfect syllable count

A Great Northeastern War comes around again 

B Magnus Tindal and Emerson True 9

A The Monarchs over Malagentia put to pen 

B Awards that are deserved and proper due

B For East’s reputation is to accrue 

C Worthy gentles from across Our kingdom

C Now Demetrius afore us has come

A Before Our court to hear described, his drive 

B One who disports all past and present games 

A Herding smalls, so that they might thrive

B Recognition We cry! That Is Our aim 

B Demetrius of Brighton Manor’s his name

C Applied to the Award of Arms today

C An accolade that We will never belay 

Anno Societatis 59

“Moreover, the walls of my castle are BLOG; the shadows are many, and the wind breathes cold through the broken battlements and casements.”


Photo by Justine Weston

Photo by Justine Weston

photo by Cindi Hachey

photo by Cindi Hachey

Caden of Brighton Manor - Award of Arms

Today at Great Northeastern War
In Malagentia where Tygers roar
Words have come to us,Tindel and 
Emerson, Their Majesties grand.
Hearing missives throughout Our East
Of one whose dance skills have increased 
That Caden of Brighton Manor
Sews, weaves! Such skills he does accrue
For his Award of Arms we’re proud
As such We’ll now have it endowed
*space for arms *
And so forget you, We’ll never do!
The East Kingdom applauds for you! 
Anno Societatis 59 

Word count 78

Illumination and Calligraphy by Fiona The Volatile


Octosyllabic Rhyming Couplets
Rhyming couplets

Today at Great Northeastern War

In Malagentia where Tygers roar

Words have come to us,Tindel and 

Emerson, Their Majesties grand.

Hearing missives throughout Our East

Of one whose dance skills have increased 

That Caden of Brighton Manor
Sews, weaves! Such skills he does accrue

For his Award of Arms we’re proud

As such We’ll now have it endowed

*space for arms *

And so forget you, We’ll never do!

The East Kingdom applauds for you!

Remember me, though we have to be a-BLOG! 

Photo by by Justine Weston

Photo by by Justine Weston

Photo by Cindi Hachey

Photo by Cindi Hachey