Dear Autocorrect, the word “Duck,” always means BLOG!
The soon to be Baroness’ of An Dubhaigeainn, Hugoline the Delicate and Fiona The Volatile,
asked me to write their fealty to Their Majesties at their upcoming Investiture at St Andrew Enters York With A Brave Heart.
They requested limericks and duck puns.
I was so down for that.
The first thing I do for a punny post is to gather as many puns as possible. 149 Duck Puns That’ll Definitely Coax A Giggle Out Of You and Duck Puns So Funny They’ll Quack You up With Laughter, provided many. Soon, the Google Docs page for this scroll was swimming with duck puns. next for the word duck. Not only was I going to need to visit there for the limerick but the site has a feature called “More ideas” where they list “Nouns for Duck” and “People also search for.” These were also copied onto the work in progress document . Then the composing began.
I had so much commentary running through my head that I ended up writing their Next-cellencies a bit of a script:
Oath of Fealty
Hugoline the Delicate
Fiona The Volatile
We’ll not be an albatross -
Psst! Wrong bird! Duck!
Why? Oh! Right, ahem -
We will not duck Our obligation
In taking on this new station
Honored that you think We’ll
Be those that fit the bill
As we waddle through Our oration
For events starting at quack of dawn
We will be there for folk to egg on
Fowl weather won't stop us
We'll be worth all this fuss
As the newly webbed footed Barons
I mean yes, but Barons scanned better!
Your Majesties chose Us for Our pluck!
For the Barony of Landed Duck
Oh! Our An Dubhaigeainn
We’re egg-cite! for this scene
We Promise Our utmost not to suck!
Then Hugeline and Fiona made some final edits and this is what they said in court:
Final version (same Key as above):
We’ll not be an albatross -
Psst! Wrong bird! Duck!
Sorry, nervous!-
We will not duck Our obligation
In taking on this new station
Honored that you think We’ll
Be those that fit the bill
As we waddle through Our oration
For events starting at quack of dawn
We will be there for folk to egg on
Fowl weather or fair
We'll always be there
As the newly webbed footed Barons
Gender Is a Social Construct!
The Duckies chose Us for Our pluck!
For the Barony of Landed Duck
An Dubhaigeainn, Oh!
We’re an Island Culture, you know!
We Promise to try not to suck!
This was such a privilege to work on!
Absolutely pun-tastic!
The final draft from Their Excellencies, well, I am a bit jealous that I didn’t think of the “gender is a social construct” myself!
I was so honored to be asked and the final version was just so duckking perfect!