Saturday, February 23, 2019

Katryne Morgant Telardottier - Award of Arms

By all the graces, Wilhelm, King of the East, and Vienna, Queen of the East, rulers of the lands and seas, to all those present, shall hear and see Our will this day.
For so much as the diverse people of Our realm have given us varied and diverse service and dedication, before-time toward Our wars, Our events, Our offices, of their own good-will, so likewise these positions taken throughout the realm for Our name; We have acknowledged, for Us and Our heirs, that We shall recognize these services and good works heretofore and hence for the common profit of all the realm. 

 We call upon one such Katryne Morgant Telardottier, which were made by common assent of all the realm, shall be Awarded Arms in every point without breach, now henceforth to be known to keep these arms

************SPACE FOR ARMS*****************

To be worn by her and her alone.
Moreover We have deemed for Us and Our Heirs, as well to Dukes, Counts, Barons, and to all the community of the land, that from henceforth that nothing will cause this to be undone.
Given at Kings and Queens Bardic and Dragonship Haven Investiture February 23rd Anno Societas Fifty three.

Wordcount 197

Unofficial Court Report: Kings and Queens Bardic and Dragonship Haven Investiture

Baronial Investiture & King's and Queen's Bardic Championships

The Volatile

Handed in January 4th, 2020


Patrick Michael - Silver wheel

 Willhelm the king  and Vienna the queen
Garbed resplendent in gold and aubergine
Magnificent Crowns of this Mighty East
Sense one of Our Orders to be increased
One who’s been here since a very young age
Fighting and working On a martial stage
Patrick Michael is before us today
For his service, past his sense of fair play
Volunteering, key for the Silver wheel,
The reason today that for us, you kneel
Done at Baronial Investiture
And kings and queens bardic champions with alure
A grey day, this February 23rd
Anno Societas the fifty third

Word count 97

Wilhelm the king  and Vienna the queen

Garbed resplendent in gold and aubergine

Magnificent Crowns of this Mighty East
Sense one of Our Orders to be increased

One who’s been here since a very young age
Fighting and working On a martial stage

Patrick Michael is before us today
For his service, past his sense of fair play

Volunteering, key for the Silver wheel,
The reason today that for us, you kneel

Done at Baronial Investiture
And kings and queens bardic champions with alure

A grey day, this February 23rd
Anno Societas the fifty third

Unofficial Court Report: Kings and Queens Bardic and Dragonship Haven Investiture

Baronial Investiture & King's and Queen's Bardic Championships

Handed in January 4, 2020