***On the back***Illumination and Calligraphy by Aesa Sturludorrie, and Words by Aislinn Chiabach because they are pretty
My partner in Crime in this endeavour was Lady Aesa Sturuldottir. She did the calligraphy and illumination. Our inspiration was twofold as she describes our shennanigansin her blog: https://byswordandpen.wordpress.com/2016/09/16/barleycorn-mischief-managed/
My inspiration was Broch's mundane love for the unfortunately short lived sci fi series, Firefly. Back when it was first cancelled he was in the thick of the protests, going to NYC to try and garner support for the show on the Today Show. I chose to make the modern references instead of a more period and serious text because I knew he would enjoy that kind of scroll. I also knew that the Herald reading the scroll, Baron Ryan MacWhite, would enjoy reading it greatly. He has been known to go by the nickname of Baron Jayne.
With that in mind, I and my beta, Lord Arthur le Taverner worked with the standard SCAdian award text trying to create a scroll that included examples of the many wondrous attributes of Broch, as many Firefly references as humanly possible and still be an eloquently written scroll that stands alone if someone was not familiar with the ill dated Joss Whedon television show.
And as far as that goes, there is only one truly anachronistic word in the entire piece. The etymology of "Shindig" lists it as starting between 1855-1860. Due to the close reference it contains in Firefly, I chose to include it in the scroll.
I hope these words accomplished that.
Beta'd by Lord Arthur le Taverner